Skyrocketing donor engagement with built-in livestreams

A virtual backstage that powers interactive charity livestreams and live fundraising on the RallyUp platform

Under NDA

This case study is under a NDA. More details about this specific project can be provided during interviews.

A livestreaming platform for nonprofit events
A livestreaming platform for nonprofit events
A livestreaming platform for nonprofit events




2 months







2024/25 Roadmap

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My role

My role

My role

Product Designer

The Team

The Team

The Team

CEO / Director of Product / Director of Customer Success

The Product

RallyUp is a technology company in the non-profit tech industry that offers an online fundraising solution — in the form of SaaS — for organizations and companies of any size to raise funds for good causes and manage their donor base, all in one place. The product is an interactive fundraising platform that allows its users to create various types of fundraising experiences, share them with donors, raise and track donations, and more.

The Problem

Users are presented with a non-familiar experience to perform their livestreams

There’s confusion and friction when trying to go live and keep the audience engaged. The current solution didn’t consider common patterns to make it easy to use. As one of our customers commented:

"The feature is too confusing for the average user who just want to click and shoot a livestream"

"The feature is too confusing for the average user who just want to click and shoot a livestream"

"The feature is too confusing for the average user who just want to click and shoot a livestream"

User segments

Small to Mid-sized Organizations

This segment usually runs live events as a solo host/moderator or small team. Our challenge was to offer a very user friendly and easy to use platform that can be handled smoothly by 1 to 4 people

Large to Enterprise Organizations

This segment has similar needs as mid-size organizations but at a large scale which means performance and efficiency are the highest priority. More advanced features are desired to delight donors with highly memorable experiences.

What we found out from our customers and the current solution

We gathered most of the initial feedback through surveys and feedback channels that our CS team provides

Poor information architecture

We found a lot of potential on making improvements in this regard and make a big impact by just presenting all the information available and LS options in a better way

Too many unnecessary options

Related to the previous issue, due to the lack of good IA and lack of consideration of best practices for livestreaming functionality, the user was presented with options they don’t need while running a live event

Layout issues

The way the experience to manage a livestream was presented had many layout issues with various of the most important actions being out of sight from the viewport and far from the video preview. There wasn’t an interface optimized to leverage the most out of the screen real state available

Unconventional way of doing livestream things

Also related to previous points, users had to scroll back and forth or navigate through confusing menus to do the most essential things on their livestreams. We do have some constrains but there was definitely a ton of room for improvement overall

Identified popular livestream platforms used by our users as alternatives

A good portion of our customers simply rely on alternatives that make their lives easier. We wanted to provide a familiar experience while retaining them within our platform

OneCause logo
Funraise logo
StreamYard logo
Zoom logo
StreamLabs logo
YouTube logo

Identified platforms with highest usability scores in the market

We found the solutions in the market that livestreamers are the most happy with which would set the standard for our Livestream Studio revamp initiative

Socio logo
Hubilo logo
Hopin logo
Hopin logo
Hopin logo
Restream logo
Restream logo
Restream logo
Bizzabo logo
Melon logo

Consolidating learnings

After finally defining the main problem, we got down to business and defined the user goal at a high level, business OKRs, JTBDs, and specific user stories we wanted to tackle in this release

User goal

To seamlessly provide a memorable online live experience to donors where real-time participation feels like an in-person event

"How might create a livestreaming platform that’s simple enough for our most basic users but advanced enough for our more demanding ones while keeping performance and usability as the top priority to reduce as much friction as possible by leveraging common, effective and familiar patterns already stablished by other specialized platforms?

"How might create a livestreaming platform that’s simple enough for our most basic users but advanced enough for our more demanding ones while keeping performance and usability as the top priority to reduce as much friction as possible by leveraging common, effective and familiar patterns already stablished by other specialized platforms?

"How might create a livestreaming platform that’s simple enough for our most basic users but advanced enough for our more demanding ones while keeping performance and usability as the top priority to reduce as much friction as possible by leveraging common, effective and familiar patterns already stablished by other specialized platforms?

Business goal

With this initiative we are expecting to reduce confusion and frustration considerably that will lead to happier customers wanting to use the feature again and achieving higher amounts raised which drives revenue to our business

Friction and annoyance

Friction and annoyance

Friction and annoyance

Churn rate

Churn rate

Churn rate

Customer acquisition & retention


As a non-profit, I want to be able to provide an uninterrupted live experience with the highest level of engagement through a feature-rich feature that’s intuitive and reliable so that I can provide my donors with an immersive experience that motivates them to give more thanks to memorable experiences.

Key tasks users want to be able to do

Before a livestream

  • Testing before going live

  • Pre-set chat moderation settings

  • Manage guest speakers

  • Pre-set live donation methods

  • Check device settings

  • Easy access to support

During a livestream

  • Monitor donor activity

  • Engage with donors in a chat

  • Host<>Guest easy switching

  • Manage donation methods in real-time

  • Monitor campaign progress

Consideration of the features we wanted to add to provide the ultimate fundraising experience

By keeping these features in mind, we tried to work out a scalable solution that would allow for the complexity of these additional features on an already complex livestreaming functionality to create a very competitive product


Users can choose a specific item they offer for biding (auction), purchasing (online store), or participating on (raffles), for instance, and highlight it on the screen to draw donors attention and increase donations on such item

Trivia game

Donor can participate and answer a set of questions in real-time that organizers pre-set to gamify their fundraising efforts to increase the fun and the rewards

Surveys & Polls

Donor can answer questions that organizers could find helpful to keep engaging the audience around the topics they're interested in

Flash Goals

Organizers can set temporary, short-term goals to incentivize giving for a specific period of time. This goal is directly linked to the overall goals of a fundraising campaign

Live Auction

Organizers can run a live-only auction where the items offered are only available and can only be bid on during a livestream

Flash Auction

Organizers can set temporary, exclusive items for bidding that are only available during a livestream to increase engagement and maximize donations during a specific period of time (usually for the duration of the live event)

The next steps

Given that this was an early stage initiative, we planned for the next phases of the project and hope to achieve an MVP by the end of 2024. Here's what we focused on next:

Test, test, and test again

We’d definitely want to do more usability testing down the road before release to make sure we don’t miss any important details and see if there are new opportunities that we can fit in to make this release even more exciting.

Keep iterating. Adapt.

We understand that livestreaming software can be complicated, not completely standardized, and ever-evolving. Even more so when we have some extra functionality that can’t be found anywhere else. This means we need to keep polishing it and adapt to new innovations as we work on the next iterations.

Embrace the challenge

This feature needs a ton of resources from every team but we need to make sure we dedicate the time and energy to take on the challenge. Livestreaming is becoming a priority for many people and had a huge impact post-COVID. Many people rely on it and we need to deliver if we want to keep competitive.

Stack used

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© 2023 - Frederick A.

© 2023 - Frederick A.